Ozone Soap (Different Coloured Ozone Soaps)
Ozone Soaps are coloured bar soaps with strong skin lightening (skin whitening) properties. They are available in assorted colours including blue, pink and yellow. Ozone soaps are not intended to be used on their own, but instead pre-mixed with milder soaps such as African Black Soaps, regular liquid soaps or shower gel/ bath wash.
Properties: Exfoliation, Skin whitening/ strong lightening effect
Uses: For Promixing/ pre-mixing with one or more non-skin-lightening soaps
Usage: Ozone soaps are concentrated and so require to be pre-mixed with the African Black Soap or a mild soap (non-skin-lightening) before use. They can also be mixed with both African Black Soap and Ghana White Soap.
- Typical usage rate: 5-10% of any Coloured Ozone Soap PLUS 90-95% of Ghana or Nigerian Black Soap; (or a combo of Ghana White Soap and Nigerian or Ghana Black Soap).
- NOTE: These soaps are likely to cause Green Veins, so purchase/ use with caution. Some people claim that they experienced green veins from using the Ghana Ozone Coloured Soaps. Therefore, ensure to use these soaps in moderation and with proper training/ knowledge.
Properties of the Different Ozone Soap Colours
- Blue Ozone Soap: Has exfoliating properties.
- Yellow Ozone Soap: Mild skin lightening (milder lighetening property than the Pink Ozone Soap).
- Pink Ozone Soap: Strong skin lightening properties. Pink Ozone Soap results in skin whitening. It is the most active of the Ozone soaps.
*Note: Depth of Colour of these handmade soaps may vary from batch to batch.
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